Риск-информативная классификация СКК основана на положениях
следующих документов:
10CFR50.69 - the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) contains the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) regulatory requirements for risk informing the
categorization and treatment of systems, structures and components (SSC) in
nuclear power plants;
10CFR50.69 Structures, Systems, and Components (SSC) Categorization
Guideline issued by Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) doc №00-04;
NRC Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.174 - An Approach for Using Probabilistic Risk
Assessment in Risk-Informed Decisions on Plant-Specific Changes to the
Licensing Basis.
Risk-Informed Safety Classification in Plant Automation Modifications of Loviisa
NPP. K. Jänkälä, Fortum Power Division / Nuclear Safety, Espoo, Finland, 2010;
“A risk informed safety classification for a Nordic NPP”, K. Jänkälä, Nordic
Nuclear Safety Research, report NKS-72, NKS Secretariat 2002.
Классификация элементов АЭС
на основе риск-информированного подхода (2)